Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Under Siege

I can't save anyone else.

I've found other survivors. They're dead now, and I'm still alive.

I'm alive because I ran like a rabbit, ran until I tore my hamstring. Now I've got a cane and I hide in the shadows.

There were a lot of them at first. Now they're scarce, and that's worse. They sneak up on me. They look in my windows. They sit down and just wait, and that's the worst; when you think they're really dead and they start up again, rattling like bags of bone.
How are they doing this? What's metabolizing in those dead muscles, that gives them strength to walk and clutch? Their body cells are popped like meat balloons. They're closer to cheese than meat by now, and still they stagger. When they look in my window, what are they seeing with? The eyeballs are deflated, clouded, rotted, gone. How do they hear us? Those vibrating organs in the ear are cushioned in filth, or fallen away completely, but put on a CD and watch 'em come lurching around.
I'm not alone, or I don't think so: the internet is still live. No one's talking, but the servers are answering my pings. Zombie network admins? I doubt it.

Anybody out there?


Blogger Keith said...

Someone else! Sweet. Yes! I'm still here...here being Michigan (they haven't eaten THAT yet). A few of us are holed up together trying to get answers to the same questions you're asking yourself, man.

Basically, WHAT IS GOING ON??????!!!!!!!

We certainly don't know. And before long we'll have to venture out for supplies, ammo and food. These things (whatever they are), they just keep coming at ya, man! Always need more ammo. It's never enough.

Anyway, thank god the internets are still up and running. Thank god you're still here and started this blog. At least we know we're not alone out here in our little pocket of the world.

We're looking out the windows into the field in front of the house. Watching for them.

Sure is dark out there...

8:02 PM  
Blogger Sean T. Collins said...

I'm here, man. There's lots of people still here, honestly. How rural is your area? I figure some people are probably almost totally cut off--take care if you're one of them.

5:45 PM  

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